We need to talk about mental health in the construction industry.
June is Men’s Mental Health month – and we’re joining the conversation.
Although there is more awareness about mental health now than there was a decade ago, it continues to be referred to as ‘The silent epidemic’ impacting construction workers around the world. Suicide rates for people in the construction industry are 3X higher than the Canadian average while the statistics for anxiety and depression are steadily increasing.
We may have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go. There is a stigma around men’s mental health – and we are here to support you.
At CEWE, we offer resources for companies and individuals who are looking for information about programs and support systems.
Carmen Green and Rose Kennedy offer confidential assistance with getting access to programs offered to CEWE staff.
Carmen Green – Human Resources Manager
Cell: 604-690-3536
Email: carmen@89dc47166c10936225.temporary.link
Rose Kennedy – Health and Safety Manager
Cell: 604-968-1973
Email: rose@89dc47166c10936225.temporary.link
Operating Engineers Union Local 115 – https://www.iuoe115.ca/member-assistance/
All Union members – Construction Industry Rehabilitation Plan – C.I.R.P
CIRP is a non-profit, joint union/management sponsored alcohol and drug treatment program, providing mental health and substance use services to the BC & YT organized construction industry.
Email: info@constructionrehabplan.com
Phone: 1-888-521-8611 or 604-521-8611
To find out more about men’s mental health, visit Heads Up Guys: A Mental Health Resource for Men